Afghanistan – a Retrospective

Landlocked and at the ancient crossroads of the Mongol, Persian, Alexandrian and British empires, Afghanistan has long held a history as a conduit for other peoples. In more recent history, the Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989 was only succeeded very briefly by a local Taliban coalition to then be knocked out by the United States in 2001. With the American military finally leaving its 20 year occupation behind, the Afghani peoples of various Pushtun and other assorted tribes once again look to an uncertain future – with the firm knowledge that whoever tries to conquer them next will likely reaffirm the Afghanistan sobriquet of the ‘Graveyard of Empires’.

— Brought to you by —

Very special guest Old Hickory



Myth of the 20th Century – Episode 220 – Afghanistan – a Retrospective

— References —

7 Comments Add yours

  1. kinezirebir says:

    One of the most intelligent podcasts out there with laser sharp focus on topic. Hope you guys are doing well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cthulhu says:

    I certainly hope Old Hickory’s prognosis for North America is right. Maybe rural America will see a revival as those checking out of the system flee from the coasts and other cities. I haven’t been to the midwest or rockies, or south ever in all honesty, but I’ve been told the local demographics trend old and drug addicted. Anyone have anything contrary to say?


    1. Old Hickory says:

      The South is experiencing massive growth led by the exodus of “Yankees” from the rust belt and coastal citied and suburbs. This is fueled by lower cost of living and Republican “pro business” governors and mayors. Those with roots in the South are experiencing a level of prosperity that the northern states experienced during the industrial era of the US.

      Generally, the population in the South is unhealthy and obesity is rampant. This is largely due to the voluminous negro population, but there are plenty of Whites who are not exactly in fighting shape.

      Overall, the South remains a key area to watch, because the friction caused by rapid urban and suburbanization of rural areas and the subsequent political battles is creating battle lines all over the regions.


  3. Bob says:

    It was the Montagnards. SF bailed a bunch of them out now they all live in the Piedmont (central NC, around Bragg) and a lot of them/their descendants still work as G’s at Robin Sage.
    Also, China allegedly funds/funded a Afghan border unit/militia that’s shit hot on mortars cause China cant give em air. They never really fucked with the Taliban. Mostly worked against ISK when they were fucking off up those border areas near CH/RU.


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