Plato – After Dark

Philosophy is a subject many engage in casually during parties, pillow chat – or even podcasts. But philosophy as a discipline is a field reserved for those serious – or fortunate enough – to have the time to dedicate to it. Usually concerning the more fundamental questions of existence and society, in the most basic sense philosophy is leading an examined life. In the the case of Plato, questions of good governance – for the good of the people if not by the people – make him one of the more controversial figures in the modern era. Yet his legacy, and the critical questions of how best to rule one’s society – have yet to be convincingly countered by his critics.



Myth of the 20th Century – Episode 223 – Plato – After Dark

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15 Comments Add yours

  1. gray1144 says:

    “Those who don’t 🤔 must 🤔 from those who do.”
    ― Plato, The Republic


  2. Hatcher says:

    A second time using Rome as outro music? Dare I say but you guys are both based and red pilled. Perhaps “Parlez Vous Hate” will make an appearance in the future?


  3. Rush YWNBAW says:

    Great to hear about the show schedule, I was getting worried for a moment there.
    Episode was great to listen to on my drive through Vermont countryside


    1. Justin Bliesner says:

      It’s about influence it’s more valuable than gold, communicating with people who are willing to listen. The point is education this is where people will be lifted. Society is at fault since they are the only ones who can take responsibility, they are at the bottom of a vicious loop.


  4. GayFedAnonymous says:

    An episode on Plato and still no episode on the red napoleon of the 20th century, Stalin?


  5. This is your last show. You know you’re tired of fucking with it. You sought a solution. There is no solution. Only fucking off, wasting time.


  6. In the end, all PODCASTS of this nature are about finding a way to NOT take up arms and go kill some motherfuckers because that shit is brutal and brief. Nobody wants to be a dead revolutionary.


  7. Joe Shmoe says:

    Adam I know in the past you have said you consider yourself a truth seeker and I certainly appreciate the practical way in which you approach issues and historical narratives. I appreciate everything you guys do on this podcast.

    As an average listener, I don’t really have an answer for what myth should be embraced. Prior to WW2 I’d say it was the pioneer spirit and the conquest of the continent but in some ways this has been twisted into support for internationalism. Maybe some part of that can be salvaged by returning to our early roots, as Nick was alluding to. I recall reading once that in the 18th century the coastal elite really was concerned that the mountain and trans Appalachian settlers would become actual “white Indians.”


    1. Adam Smith says:

      I still have an affinity for the rugged individual, but as we’ve seen this can easily be exploited. Not sure what is a better alternative. For now I think we all need to become stronger, and help those around us that would return the favor.


  8. miforest says:

    great podcast


    1. DivCurl says:

      One of my favorite episodes from my favorite podcast. I will donate again. Most times when a podcast revolves around a subject I know decently well I can see through the thin veneer of self-confidence and tell that the hosts don’t know what they’re talking about. But I think you guys are sincere about what you know and not afraid to admit what you don’t know and put in genuine effort to understand at a deeper level. We’re all trying to learn more and need to ask thoughtful questions.

      Funny to hear what Jefferson thought about Plato’s work. I have to take Jefferson at his word that he could not really understand it – ‘incomprehensible’ to him. When I read Plato for the first time I remember being mind-blown. In the Republic Plato clearly describes what we call ‘homeless people’ when he is describing the different forms of government and their effects on the people. Also, he describes the hidden civil war between the rich and poor where the rich grow fearful of the poor and seek to disarm/emaciate them, only for the city to eventually fall the invaders because of the declining overall health of the city. All so relevant to today and changed my perspective of our place in the context of European history.

      One more thing: As a kid I remember asking friends and family what they would do if they had super powers. I was amazed that people had this laughable comic book idea of good vs. evil, that they would help old ladies from muggers or something. I told them I didn’t believe them and that most people would use the power to accumulate wealth and power in a corrupt way. In the Republic they discuss this very topic with the ring of Gyges, where Gyges uses the power of the ring to kill the usurp the King.

      Adam’s protests about the corrupt gaining power when discussing the analogy of the ship and its captain was spot on. But even better, and Hans got to this eventually, is that Plato agreed with Adam: He admits the captain is likely the man who is best able to game the system and manage the people, rather than the ‘true’ captain who has the best knowledge of the fundamentals of the ship and of navigation. Adam says that the captain or king should be reluctant to be king, and Plato actually states as much. He says that the ruler should be a reluctant one: He decides to rule out of a sense of pure duty, by realizing that if he does not step in and rule then the ruler will become someone driven by lust for power rather than duty and loyalty to the ship and its crew.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Cleetus Nazballer says:

    This was great. Glad to hear the slow down in episodes isn’t the show coming to an end. I stumbled upon you guys roughly a year ago and I’ve learned a lot, and genuinely enjoy your conversations. If only the West had more men such as yourselves. Nick should seriously consider writing a book. He’s got some very original ideas and it’d be cool to see his worldview and philosophy in penned form.

    Cheers lads, to better days for our progeny!

    Liked by 1 person

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